
help you find your perfect pair of shoes

"All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking"--Friedrich Nietzsche
 Having or starting a walking program is an extremely effective way to lose weight and stay in shape. It is also a great way to stay active and to really take in all your surroundings.
 One very important part of a good walking program, that is often over-looked, is buying the proper pair of scarpe calcio nike walking shoes. If you don't start out with the right ones, you may quickly give up on your plan or end up spending far too much on multiple pairs of shoes, trying to find the correct ones. And we definitely don't want that!! You want your feet to feel comfortable in order to give yourself the best possible workout.

 Well, that about wraps it up. I hope that you've enjoyed reading about my 7 quick tips to finding the best walking shoes for women, as much as I had writing it. My goal is that these tips will help you find your perfect pair of walking shoes to get you going. Be on the look-out for more Walking to Lose Weight for Women articles, as I plan to write many more, to help you on your quest for your perfect walking/weight loss program.

Here you will read about my 7 quick tips for finding the best walking shoes for women. These tips can help you find the perfect walking shoes for your personal purpose.

 Check out my 7 quick tips for finding the best walking shoes for women below:
 1. My first quick tip for finding the best walking shoes for women is to go to an actual store to begin your search. Unless you are re-ordering a pair that has already worked for you in the past, then it's best to actually visit a store and try some shoes on first, for comfort and fit, instead of heading straight online and guessing about what might fit. Be sure to stand up in any shoes that you're trying on and walk around a little in them. Get a good feel for them, but don't try walking out of the store to feel for fit. That will have you looking for a great pair of running shoes instead...8-) And then, after you've decided which pair you like, you can go online and possibly score a great deal on the shoes that you've chosen.
 2. My next quick tip for finding the best walking shoes for women is to make sure that you have your feet properly measured before you purchase your shoes. You want to be sure that you're buying the right size and fit for you. When was the last time you had your feet measured?!? Often, you'll fit in a different size walking shoe than you would, for say- a sandal or a heel.
 3. Be sure that you take the socks you'll be wearing with your walking shoes, to use, when you're trying on your shoes. This will insure that you're not buying the wrong size shoe because you're wearing the wrong socks, which will end up making your feet uncomfortable.
 4. Look for a shoe that is lightweight, breathable, and has plenty of support. Also, look for a shoe that will work as a walking shoe, as well as a fast walking or jogging shoe, in case you decide to ramp up your workout a bit. A versatile shoe can go along way in saving you money when you're ready to kick your workout up a notch or two.
 5. HOT TIP!!! One thing that I always do before purchasing my walking shoes is to go online, if possible, and see if I can find any reviews for the particular shoe that I'm considering or if I have no idea at all which pair I want to purchase. You can simply type in something like, "best women's walking shoe reviews" or type in a specific shoe you are looking to purchase plus "reviews", in your favorite search engine and see what pops up. It's much more reassuring to me to read what other people have to say about a product they own and use and that I'm considering buying, before I actually go out and spend my hard-earned money.
 6. Another quick tip for finding the best walking shoes for women deals with the timing of your purchase. A great time to shop for your shoes is right before the winter holidays, because of all the terrific sales, as well as a couple of months before Summer, when us ladies are on the get-in-shape fast track, preparing for swimsuit season. There are some amazing sales that you can take advantage of during these times. You may be able to score a really pricey pair of shoes for a steal. Also, sign up for customer loyalty programs through stores, such as Lady Foot Locker, and pretty much any other botines futbol nike stores that you like to shop at. Often, you can just head over to their website to sign up. You can get some fantastic discounted offers, delivered straight to your inbox. Who doesn't love that?!?
 7. My final quick tip for finding the best walking shoes for women is to not be afraid to ask questions of the salesperson. Find out what they suggest and what walking shoes they would buy for themselves. They may have a great suggestion that you hadn't thought about. After all, that's what they're there for.

